Video & Recap of The Gallows Cadence Debut Set @ Oasis April 5

The Gallows Cadence @ Oasis Pub
Pic & Video by Meghan Killimade
Show recap by Adam Wujtewicz

Did you miss Blowpop, Doug and Small Town Hero the first time around? Did you see them but miss hearing them now? Enter The Gallows Cadence: front man/guitarist Dayne Duranti, (of the 3 aforementioned bands), along with bassist Thomas Johnson, (ex Superflies), and drummer Pete Egner, (Amido Black). The trio are bringing back the straight ahead rock-your-face-off style that we used to hear coming from every venue in New London county. They've got the gruff melody and groove of Hot Water Music with the steady driving rhythm section of Face to Face. While the sound is something that people in the late 90's and early 00's are familiar with, it's doesn't sound dated. This wasn't a trend, it's just good blue color rock music... and it's still here....

The Gallows Cadence unleashed their first set upon a responsive crowd at the Oasis Pub last Saturday. The songs were new but all three members seemed like they had been playing them for years. The blood sweat and tears that they've undoubtedly put into the writing of the songs came through in the ferocity of which they played them. For old times sake they even dusted off an old Doug song, "Kevin Costner", to end the set. It was a great debut and I can't wait to see how they progress.



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