Summer Music 2024 @ Mystic River Park June-Aug (Mon & Tue)

*Last Updated 8/8/24

Summer Sounds Concert Series
Mystic River Park
Cottrell Street - Mystic
Tuesdays / 7pm / FREE

Tue 6/11 Noank-Mystic Community Band
Tue 6/18 As Time Goes By swing band
Tue 6/25 Thames River Big Band
Tue 7/2 Time & Changes Jazz Orchestra

Tue 7/9 Middletown Symphonic Band
Tue 7/16 Waterford Community Band
Tue 7/23 Old Lyme Town Band
Tue 7/30 Westerly Band
Tue 8/6 Noank-Mystic Community Band

The Noank-Mystic Community Band will host the 27th annual Summer Sounds concert series for June 11 - August 6. Concerts will take place on Tuesday evenings at 7PM in Mystic River Park, Mystic, CT (by the drawbridge). Concerts, which feature a different community music group each week, will begin at 7PM. Admission is free. All concerts are free and family friendly. Bring lawn chairs/blankets and picnics are always welcome! 

There is no rain date. Concerts are sponsored by Charter Oak Federal Credit Union (major sponsor) and local businesses and civic organizations, along with support from the Connecticut Office of the Arts, which also receives funding from the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency.


Blue Monday's Concert Series
Mystic River Park
Cottrell Street - Mystic
Mondays / 6 to 8pm / FREE

All shows are rain or shine; rain location is the 
Mystic German Club 54 Greenmanville Avenue

Mon 7/1 Beatles A-Z
Mon 7/8 The Toneshifters
Mon 7/15 Glaucoma Suspect



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