Wailing City Spotlight: Interview With J. Edmond

Published January 27, 2025
Interview by Meghan Killimade

Tell us about yourself! How did you get started in music and what kind of music are you creating?
I’m J. Edmond, a musician, writer (songs and short stories), and radio host (Unlikely Places Radio Talk Show, Star 99.9 FM and 99.1 PLR FM). I started making music when I was 16 and originally went by the name Jebb as an indie alternative artist. As I developed, I noticed I had a natural songwriting ability, similar to Bob Dylan, where songs come to me easily. At first, I struggled to fully harness this talent, but with the help of books like The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron and The Creative Act by Rick Rubin, I’m finding my way to becoming a more focused writer as J.Edmond.

Wailing City Spotlight: Interview With Casey Alger of Pencils Down

Published January 23, 2025

Interview By Meghan Killimade

Tell us about Pencils Down! Who’s in the band and how did you all come together?
Let's see -- I believe in a linear way you could say that it all began when James Burke; our bassist, reached out to ask me (Casey Alger), when I was "going to start a band again". It was a good question and I thought about it. It had been years since I had played a guitar in a show or wrote collaboratively with other musicians and there were parts of me that began to think that performing was something I was going to leave in the past. I replied sourly "Yeah, someday", not thinking much of it. Eventually, James's prescience came to fruition and I asked him if he was available to play bass for a performing act with myself on guitar and our friend Glen Metcalfe on drums. Shortly after, we wrangled Syd Scelfo on lead guitar and things seemed perfectly right.



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