Pass The Guitar @ All Souls in New London Sat June 3

Saturday June 3, 2023
All Souls Unity Hall

or $20 at the door.

Join your neighbors and fellow supporters of the New London Homeless Hospitality Center for a night of great music, donated by some of the area's greatest musicians to benefit our neighbors in need. Dinner of pizza, wine and beer will be available for donation, or visit or have delivered dinner from nearby Woodfella's Pizza, Draft Choice, or more. 

Pass the Guitar was founded by Hugh Birdsall of the Reducers and now of DogBite, Pass the Guitar is a way for musicians to give back to a cause they care deeply about; their neighbors who are experiencing homelessness, the housing crisis, and affordable housing. Although homelessness is very sad, this fundraiser benefits the guests of the Homeless Hospitality Center directly through Flexible Funding Assistance that solves a person's most pressing financial problem that is getting in the way of achieving a home. That brings us all some hope. So, let's kick up our heels and have a great time listening to the fabulous guitar and vocals of Hugh Birdsall, Ben & Nancy Parent, Steve Elci, the Carolans and many more. 

 For more information visit or call 860-439-1573 ext 321, or 860-373-0397.



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